Lianne's Invisalign and Veneer Journey

By Dr.Chia Yeoh and Dr.Gagan Dhanjal

Initial presentation

Emily came to us with concerns about the appearance of her teeth. As a child, she had experienced dental trauma, which resulted in a chipped, non-vital central incisor and misalignment. These issues had affected her confidence, and she was eager to achieve a more uniform smile.

Pre-treatment views


Veneers. composite and bleaching

For Lianne’s treatment, we used Invisalign clear aligners to gently move her teeth into proper alignment. Invisalign is a discreet, nearly invisible system that fits seamlessly into daily life, making it a popular choice for patients looking for a subtle solution to orthodontic concerns.

Once Emily’s teeth were  aligned, we moved on to the final stage: composite refinements and porcelain veneers. This step allowed us to fine-tune her smile, addressing any remaining imperfections and ensuring a beautifully natural result.


Teeth after alignment, prior to internal bleaching, veneers and composite.

To ensure Lianne’s smile transformation was  tailored to her vision, we began by scanning her teeth to create detailed digital models. These were sent to James, our skilled digital dental technician, who crafted a digital design of the desired smile.

At Perfect 32’s state-of-the-art digital laboratory, we used our in-house 3D printer to create physical models of the design. This allowed us to conduct a “trial smile” — a preview that enabled Lianne to assess and approve the design before we began the composite work.

Digital mockup of proposed changes


Emily’s upper left incisor had darkened due to a previous root canal treatment. To address this, Dr. Gagan performed internal bleaching to brighten the tooth before Dr. Chia prepared it for veneers.

In keeping with our commitment to conservative dentistry, the veneers were prepared with minimal reduction—just 0.3mm—to preserve as much natural tooth structure as possible. To ensure long-lasting results, it’s critical to bond veneers in a perfectly dry environment. Water, oil, or saliva contamination can compromise adhesion and cause staining over time.

To prevent this, we applied a rubber dam (the familiar blue sheet) to protect the area from moisture, ensuring reliable bonding and a flawless finish.

Careful bonding of veneers
Final Smile
Before and after
Happy patient, post treatment : )

Orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry go hand in hand.  They can be minimally invasive and can often be more cost effective than alternatives.

At Perfect 32, we appreciate it can be difficult for patients to choose the right cosmetic dentist for them. Should you have any question or would like to talk to us about starting your cosmetic dental journey we would love to help.


The team at Perfect 32 are always available to help you with your dental journey. If you’d like to book in a consultation, please contact our team.

Telephone : 01482 863667